
Performant TCP for Low-Power Wireless Networks

TCPlp Benchmarking Code

This repository contains code that we used to produce the RIOT-OS/OpenThread throughput results for the paper:

Sam Kumar, Michael P Andersen, Hyung-Sin Kim, and David E. Culler. Performant TCP for Low-Power Wireless Networks. NSDI 2020.

The code is intended to help reproduce results presented in the paper. It is not intended to be used as a standalone TCP library. The code for TCP is primarily in leaf_nodes/anemometer-qualified-fw/RIOT-OS/pkg/openthread/contrib. You can find example usage in leaf_nodes/anemometer-qualified-fw/app. Running the code will require embedded hardware similar to what we used for our experiments. We use sensor nodes based on the Hamilton platform, each connected to a Raspberry Pi as a back channel, for our testbed. The Hamilton-based sensor nodes are similar to the SAMR21-XPRO.

The code for the leaf nodes, router nodes and border router node can be found in the respective directories. Inside anemometer-qualified-fw/app, running make and then make flash should build the code and flash the device via JLink.

For leaf nodes, look closely the -DUSE_TCP, -DUSE_COAP, -DCOCOA, etc. options. They can be used to control which options are used to send data over the network.

For the border router, use the wpantund program in the submodule. We use a simple reliability protocol over the serial link to communicate with wpantund. You should use the REthos (in RIOT-OS/dist/tools/rethos) program together with stomp (which converts REthos messages into a stream format for wpantund) to establish the connection with wpantund.