Puzzling Journey for Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko

An interactive website for learning about the Digital Technologies curriculum content in a uniquely New Zealand setting.

The website is created using HTML, JS, and CSS, and packaged together using Parcel. It is deployed to a GitHub Pages website using GitHub Actions.

This website was produced through funding from the Ministry of Education for the National Digital Readiness Programme, Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko. It is hosted and maintained by the University of Canterbury, Computer Science Education Group.

Design Notes

  • Strong DT foundations in a New Zealand context.
  • Short, but high quality experience.
  • Repeatable with randomly generated tasks.
  • Available to be used for both PLD for teachers, and for teaching students.
  • Available in both English and Te Reo Māori.

Planned additions

The following features are planned to be added:

  • Installation guide.
  • Facilitators guide.
  • Behind the scenes information on creation process.


This website content is available under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0, and the interactive website is licensed under the MIT license. Any third party libraries used have their licenses listed in this GitHub repository. The Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko logo is under New Zealand Crown copyright. Bird sounds used in the sound files are from the Department of Conservation (New Zealand) and are under New Zealand Crown copyright, and are used with permission.