
Marchand Image Archive

Primary LanguageRuby


A standard Rails installation applies, or you can use the Dockerfile.

Requires imagemagick 6 for RMagick

RMagick (on macOS)

brew install imagemagick@6 && brew link imagemagick@6 --force bundle install


Database data

Though rake db:schema:load followed by rake db:migrate should work, it is recommended that you use a copy of the production database.

Environment variables

This project expects the following environment variables:

RAILS_ENV - Rails environment (by convention) ELASTICSEARCH_URL - URI for ElasticSearch instance MARCHAND_DEV_DB - Database name (if RAILS_ENV=development) MARCHAND_DEV_DB_USER - Database user (if RAILS_ENV=development) MARCHAND_DEV_DB_PASSWORD - Database password (if RAILS_ENV=development) MARCHAND_PROD_DB - Database name (if RAILS_ENV=production) MARCHAND_PROD_DB_USER - Database user (if RAILS_ENV=production) MARCHAND_PROD_DB_PASSWORD - Database password (if RAILS_ENV=production)

ElasticSearch Indexing

If you need to force a reindex, use the given rake tasks:

  • rake es:reindex_all
  • rake es:reindex_lessons
  • rake es:reindex_images