
Scripts and sources of the block-based reconstruction/refinement

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


Scripts and sources of the block-based reconstruction/refinement.

These scripts and codes are under WTFPL verion 2 license, a GPL-campatible free license.

The modification version of RELION is under the same license of RELION, which is GPL ver.2.

Please cite our paper: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2018) 9:1552 or DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04051-9 if our block-based reconstruction idea or these codes work.

Updated 12.17.2022

Fix a critical bug that the rlnDefocusU/V would be completely wrong.

Download and reinstall this.


Updated 10.21.2022

Created a page in Wiki:


describing how to fit map of blocks after refinement into their original position.

Updated 08.13.2022

Created 2 pages in Wiki:



which describe how to combine blocks into full map and how to determine position of block using UCSF Chimera.

Uploaded a small dataset of reovirus, which can be used for practicing BBR:

https://1drv.ms/u/s!AghYYiVwSrFmhAxUTa0swcXgWJn0?e=BnW1bJ , information is inside of the compressed files. micrograph_ctf.star and refine.star are also included.

Add feature "--remove_nan" in relion_star_handler, which should be used together with "--discard_on_stats". This options read star files and remove the image item that has infinity or NaN in it. It was inspired by our colleague who suffered from a random blank-micrograph.

Move old readme.md to https://github.com/homurachan/Block-based-recontruction/blob/master/old_version/Readme.old2.md

Updated 05.12.2022

Uploaded the modified version of RELION 3.1.2. Now you can do the process within RELION GUI and pipelines.

Just download the "relion-3.1.2_BBR.zip" (https://github.com/homurachan/Block-based-recontruction/blob/master/relion-3.1.2_BBR.zip), unzip and install like original version of RELION. It can replace RELION3.1.2 since no function change was made to rest parts of RELION. You will find the "Block-based Recons" option on the GUI.

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Input particles: Just your particles.

Symmetry of particles: Any symmetry within RELION is supported.

X/Y/Z position of reconstruction: The same Point_X, Point_Y, Point_Z below.

Correct/Inverted handerness: Choose the handerness of sub-particles. If both were "NO", no defocus change will be made (for small particles).

X/Y-size of the micrograph: The image size of the micrograph. Program will drop sub-particles that the center lays outside of the micrograph.

Rounded translation: The OriginX/Y will be set to integer rather than float. Just for debug usage.

Samples of input are shown below.

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After finish the job, use the output file as "Refined particles STAR file" on I/O of Particle extraction. Please set re-center refined coordinates to (0,0,0). Then adjust the particle box size to block box size.

Reconstruct the output star file by relion_reconstruct --i OUTPUT.STAR --ctf --sym c1 --subset 1/2 --o half1/half2.mrc . (Optional below) Calculated the FSC curve. You can run 'relion_star_handler --i OUTPUT.STAR --o out.star --do_invert_BBR_handerness' to invert the handerness of the star. Keep the one with higher FSC.

Just ordinary single particle analysis. Remember always use local refinement (Initial angular sampling <= Local searches from auto-sampling in 3D auto-refine)."

简体中文 分块重构

包含了分块重构所需的脚本及合并的小程序,遵循WTFPL verion 2 license, a GPL-campatible free license. 改编版RELION遵循GPL ver2 license。 如果这些代码或分块重构算法对你的研究有帮助,请引用: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2018) 9:1552 or DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04051-9














https://1drv.ms/u/s!AghYYiVwSrFmhAxUTa0swcXgWJn0?e=BnW1bJ ,包含micrograph_ctf.star和refine.star,其他信息在压缩文件的info里.



更新了修改版的RELION 3.1.2. 现在可以使用修改版RELION在GUI中完成分块重构.

下载"relion-3.1.2_BBR.zip" (https://github.com/homurachan/Block-based-recontruction/blob/master/relion-3.1.2_BBR.zip), 解压后比照原始版RELION安装. 该修改版可以完全替代原始版RELION3.1.2. 打开后可以在主界面看到"Block-based Recons"。

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Input particles: 输入文件.

Symmetry of particles: 任何RELION支持的对称性都可以使用.

X/Y/Z position of reconstruction: 如同下文所述的Point_X, Point_Y, Point_Z.

Correct/Inverted handerness: 选择颗粒手性,如果都选NO,那么sub-particle的defocus不会改变,适用于较小的颗粒。

X/Y-size of the micrograph: micrograph的尺寸,必须是particle extraction里使用的. 程序会把中心落在micrograph外的sub-particle扔掉.

Rounded translation: OriginX/Y变为整数,只在测试时使用(防止插值误差).

下图是一些参数样本. alt text

生成的star文件放到relion -> Particle extraction -> I/O -> OR re-extract refined particles = yes -> "Refined particles STAR file"这里,同时选中OR: re-center refined coordinates = yes.接下来就重新选择Particle box size为block大小就行了.

判断手性,用'relion_reconstruct --i OUTPUT.STAR --ctf --sym c1 --subset 1/2 --o half1/half2.mrc'重构组合好/生成好的star文件. 如果不想判断手性也行,可忽略下面的测试.用relion_postprocess计算FSC.用'relion_star_handler --i OUTPUT.STAR --o out.star --do_invert_BBR_handerness'来生成相反手性的star,重构后比较FSC.保留FSC较高的那个.对于C/D对称的样品,建议前面的手性部分选"2",即不改变block defocus.因为一般来说C/D对称的解不到接近Ewald Sphere极限的分辨率.

正常的单颗粒分析流程,最好总是进行局域refine (Initial angular sampling <= Local searches from auto-sampling in 3D auto-refine)



在relion_star_handler里更新了--do_rotation功能,使用如下命令:"relion_star_handler --i input.star --o output.star --do_rotation --rOt rotangle --tIlt tiltangle --pSi psiangle". 该命令能把input.star所对应的重构按照RELION使用的ZYZ欧拉角体系旋转rotangle-tiltangle-psiangle,适用于relion_align_symmetry的输出结果. 这样就不需要重新跑class3D.