

Clone this repo

git clone

Build and run!

docker-compose up --build -d

From now on, you will be able to send your requests under http://localhost:7778

GET endpoints:

GET / API welcome page

GET /health API health check

GET /listfiles Lists sample local files that can be encrypted

GET /download/{id} Downloads encrypted file with given job ID. Returns either the binary or HTTP_404

POST endpoints:

POST /api/agentmanagement/v3/encrypt Either gets a local file or a URL with a key to encrypt. Returns job ID

scenario-1 for request: {"key": "samplepassword", "filename": "file4.iso"}
scenario-2 for request: {"key": "samplepassword", "url": ""}

POST /api/agentmanagement/v3/decrypt Decrypts the file according to given (preciously decrypted) job ID and key. Returns job ID

scenario-1 for request: {"key": "samplepassword", "id": "ip1uplfmvfz519jb"}

POST /api/agentmanagement/v3/check Returns job status for encryption by consuming given job ID

example request: {"id": "ip1uplfmvfz519jb"}


POST /api/agentmanagement/v3/register Returns dummy response

POST /api/agentmanagement/v3/register/{agent_id} Returns dummy response

POST /api/agentmanagement/v3/oauth/token Returns dummy response

POST /api/agentmanagement/v3/exchange Returns dummy response