Calculator for the mobile Application 'Grow Castle'

Primary LanguageJava

Grow Castle Calculator

Calculator for the mobile Application 'Grow Castle'

Optimized for 1920x1080 displays.




Upcoming Features

How to use the GCC


I was playing Grow Castle alot in 2016, back then i always wanted to know how i could spend my gold, to get more damage faster, to be able to clear the waves faster.

So i started programming the Grow Castle Calculator, it is based on java and javafx.


-Create items and assign them to hereos and leaders

-Create Decks with Town Buildings, Treasures, Heroes, Leaders, Towers and Castle Components

-Select Decks for an Damage and Item Overview

-Calculate Gold Cost for heroes placed on Deck

-Calculate GoldPerDamage -> the less Gold spent per Damage the most effective

Upcoming Features


How to use the GCC

  1. Download the latest release here.

  2. Make sure you have the latest java version installed.

  3. Make a new Folder, put the .jar inside, startup the Application.

  4. Select "First Start"; enter Informations asked for.

  5. Click on "Heroes" Tab; enter your Gamedata. (Don't worry about items just yet)

  6. Click on "Towers/Castle/Leader" Tab; enter your Gamedata.

  7. Click on "Items" Tab; Next Click on "Items" in the MenuBar and click "Make new Item"

  8. Make the items, you want to equip on your heroes. Give names that you will recognize.

  9. Click on "Decks" Tab; Next Click on "Decks" in the MenuBar and click "Make new Deck"

  10. Give the deck a name and save it.

  11. Now exit the application, it will ask if you want to save. Hit "Save"!

  12. Restart the application, instead of first Start, click "Load Save".

  13. Head over to Heroes tab and assign the before created items to your heroes. Do the same with Leaders.

  14. Now, go to Overview or Gold Calculations and select a Deck with the Deck Chooser.

  15. See the displayed results.

Note: Everytime you make a new Item or Deck you have to reload the save data.