Xiaobao.io is an intelligent investment advisory platform specifically developed for the cryptocurrency market. The platform offers users a range of practical functions, including one-click arbitrage, periodic investments, intelligent alerts, and volume-price analysis. Backed by a team of experienced quantitative investors and traders, Xiaobao.io also provides a variety of market-tested and effective quantitative trading strategies to choose from.
Investing with Xiaobao.io is easy, enabling you to earn money effortlessly.
1. Big Data Services: Utilize extensive data analytics to inform your investment decisions and strategies.
2. Indicator Screening: Filter and select key indicators to make experienced trading choices.
3. Intelligent Alerts: Receive smart notifications and alerts based on market conditions and personal criteria.
4. One-Click Investment: Simplify your investment process with automated, periodic investments.
5. Strategy Trading: Use and apply different trading strategies that have been tested and proven to work in real market conditions.
6. Cryptocurrency Fund Supermarket: Explore and invest in a wide range of cryptocurrency funds.
node.js v20.10.0
mongoDB v7.0.2
- import initial datas(data/*.json) to mogodb
mongoimport --db xiaobao --collection portal_resource --file data/portal_resource.json --host
mongoimport --db xiaobao --collection portal_user --file data/portal_user.json --host
mongoimport --db xiaobao --collection common_config --file data/common_config.json --host
mongoimport --db xiaobao --collection market --file data/markets.json --host
- start node backend
nvm use v20
$ npm i
$ npm run dev
$ open http://localhost:20003/
$ npm start
$ npm stop
cd doc
npm install gitbook-cli -g
gitbook serve
Open the browser and visit: http://localhost:4000/ to view the documentation.