
Generate similar looking strings with similar looking Unicode characters.

Primary LanguagePython

	python confundo.py [OPTIONS] string

	This program replaces characters in a string with similar looking 
	Unicode characters and produces a list of all similar looking 

	-h, --help		Display this page and exit

	-d min:max,		Combination depth, in other words how many 
	--depth=min:max		characters should be replaced
				Default minimum: 1, Default maximum: maximum of 
				replaceable characters.

	-x, --xml		Encode output for XML.

	-p, --python		Encode output with backslashes for Python.
	-v, --visual		Additionally print 'utf-8' encoded version of 
				the string if -p or -x are used, for visual

	-i, --identical		Replace characters only with almost identically 
				looking characters.

	-r, --reverse		Find more confusing combinations by additionally
				reversing the lookup.

	-X, --extreme		Find even more confusing combinations by 
				additionally extending the lookup. This option 
				implies the -r option.

	-n x, --limit x		Amount of similar looking strings to print.

	python confundo.py -X -d 2: -n 20 confundo
	python confundo.py -pv -d 1:1 Google
	python confundo.py -ivx Facebook

	If no encoding (-x or -p) is specified the characters will be printed
	with 'utf-8' encoding, note that in 'utf-8' some different characters 
	may be encoded identically leading to duplicates in the output.