
compose to nomad job convertor

Primary LanguagePython

Compose-to-nomad converter

This tool provides a way to generate nomad job from docker-compose file.


You will need go complier installed as well as python version >= 3.8

pip install ComposeNomadConvertor


To process file make sure your compose file is version 3 or above.

[user@host]$ nomadgen --help
usage: nomadgen [-h] [--registry_base REGISTRY_BASE] [--files_url_base FILES_URL_BASE] compose_file nomad_job_file

Convert docker-compose file to nomad job

positional arguments:
  compose_file          File to process
  nomad_job_file        Output file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --registry_base REGISTRY_BASE
                        docker registry base url (for example "registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/" )
  --files_url_base FILES_URL_BASE
                        hosting file base on some http server (for example "http://example.com/some-path/")


Look at examples folder to get some grasp of how it works

Tips and tricks

As you may use it against compose files that are build on local machine this tool provides flag called registry_base. It would be prepended to image field of the service assembled locally. And your task would be pushing the image to the registry you specified. (Public docker registry example: https://hub.docker.com/, self hosted registry example: http://port.us.org/)

Use with caution

This is very immature piece of software and it may not produce results matching your imagination, to make it fit your needs your pull requests are welcome.