
Tutorial: Visualise the frequencies of a signal in real time. Self build for my mac(macOS Catalina, MBP 16-inch, 2019). https://docs.juce.com/master/tutorial_spectrum_analyser.html

Primary LanguageC++


Tutorial: Visualise the frequencies of a signal in real time. Self build for my mac(macOS Catalina, MBP 16-inch, 2019).

Image from Gyazo

Change include header

//#include "SpectrumAnalyserTutorial_01.h"
#include "SpectrumAnalyserTutorial_02.h"

Project Settings

Image from Gyazo

If your operating system requires you to request permission to access the microphone  
(currently iOS, Android and macOS Mojave) then you will need to set the corresponding option   
under the relevant exporter in the Projucer and resave the project.