
Epsilon integration for ActiveMerchant.

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Gem Build Status

Epsilon integration for ActiveMerchant.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'active_merchant-epsilon'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install active_merchant-epsilon



An example Rails initializer would look something like this:

ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :production
ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonGateway.contract_code = '12345678'
ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonGateway.proxy_port = 8080
ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonGateway.proxy_address = 'myproxy.dev'

CreditCard Payment

require 'active_merchant'

ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test

ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonGateway.contract_code = 'YOUR_CONTRACT_CODE'

gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonGateway.new

amount = 10000

ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard.require_verification_value = true

credit_card = ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard.new(
  first_name:         'TARO',
  last_name:          'YAMADA',
  number:             '4242424242424242',
  month:              '10',
  year:               Time.now.year + 1,
  verification_value: '000', # security code

purchase_detail = {
  user_id:      'YOUR_APP_USER_IDENTIFIER',
  user_name:    '山田 太郎',
  user_email:   'yamada-taro@example.com',
  item_code:    'ITEM001',
  item_name:    'Greate Product',
  order_number: 'UNIQUE ORDER NUMBER',
  memo1:        'memo1',
  memo2:        'memo2',

if credit_card.validate.empty?
  # Capture 10000 yen from the credit card
  response = gateway.purchase(amount, credit_card, purchase_detail)

  if response.success?
    puts "Successfully charged #{amount} yen to the credit card #{credit_card.display_number}"
    raise StandardError, response.message

CreditCard Payment with 3D secure

amount = 10000

ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard.require_verification_value = true

credit_card = ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard.new(
  first_name:         'TARO',
  last_name:          'YAMADA',
  number:             '4242424242424242',
  month:              '10',
  year:               Time.now.year + 1,
  verification_value: '000', # security code

purchase_detail = {
  user_id:                   'YOUR_APP_USER_IDENTIFIER',
  user_name:                 '山田 太郎',
  user_email:                'yamada-taro@example.com',
  item_code:                 'ITEM001',
  item_name:                 'Greate Product',
  order_number:              'UNIQUE ORDER NUMBER',
  three_d_secure_check_code: 1,
  memo1:                     'memo1',
  memo2:                     'memo2',

if credit_card.validate.empty?
  response = gateway.purchase(amount, credit_card, purchase_detail)

  raise StandardError, response.message unless response.success?

  if response.params['three_d_secure']
    puts response.params['acs_url']
    puts response.params['pareq']
    puts "Successfully charged #{amount} yen to the credit card #{credit_card.display_number}"

# (The card holder identifies himself on credit card's page and comes back here)


response = gateway.authenticate(
  order_number:         'ORDER NUMBER',
  three_d_secure_pares: 'PAYMENT AUTHENTICATION RESPONSE',

if response.success?
  puts "Successfully charged to the credit card"
  raise StandardError, response.message

CreditCard Installment Payment

# (snip)

purchase_detail = {
  user_id:      'YOUR_APP_USER_IDENTIFIER',
  user_name:    '山田 太郎',
  user_email:   'yamada-taro@example.com',
  item_code:    'ITEM001',
  item_name:    'Greate Product',
  order_number: 'UNIQUE ORDER NUMBER',
  credit_type:  ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonGateway::CreditType::INSTALLMENT,
  payment_time: 3, # 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24
  memo1:        'memo1',
  memo2:        'memo2',

# (snip)

CreditCard Revolving Payment

# (snip)

purchase_detail = {
  user_id:      'YOUR_APP_USER_IDENTIFIER',
  user_name:    '山田 太郎',
  user_email:   'yamada-taro@example.com',
  item_code:    'ITEM001',
  item_name:    'Greate Product',
  order_number: 'UNIQUE ORDER NUMBER',
  credit_type:  ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonGateway::CreditType::REVOLVING,
  memo1:        'memo1',
  memo2:        'memo2',

# (snip)

Convenience Store Payment

ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonConvenienceStoreGateway.contract_code = 'YOUR_CONTRACT_CODE'

gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonConvenienceStoreGateway.new

convenience_store = ActiveMerchant::Billing::ConvenienceStore.new(
  code:           ActiveMerchant::Billing::ConvenienceStore::Code::LAWSON,
  full_name_kana: 'ヤマダ タロウ',
  phone_number:   '0312345678'

purchase_detail = {
  user_id:      'YOUR_APP_USER_IDENTIFIER',
  user_name:    '山田 太郎',
  user_email:   'yamada-taro@example.com',
  item_code:    'ITEM001',
  item_name:    'Greate Product',
  order_number: 'UNIQUE ORDER NUMBER',
  memo1:        'memo1',
  memo2:        'memo2',

if credit_card.validate.empty?
  # 10000 yen as convenience store paymet
  response = gateway.purchase(amount, convenience_store, purchase_detail)

  if response.success?
    puts "Successfully charged #{amount} yen as convenience store payment"
    puts "Receipt number is #{response.params['receipt_number']}"
    puts "Payment limit date is #{response.params['convenience_store_limit_date']}"
    raise StandardError, response.message

Recurring Billing (Monthly subscriptions)

purchase_detail[:mission_code] = ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonGateway::MissionCode::RECURRING_6

gateway.recurring(amount, creadit_card, purchase_detail)

Cancel recurring billing

gateway.cancel_recurring(user_id: 'user_id', item_code: 'item_code')

Void Transaction


Verify Credit Card

gateway.verify(credit_card, user_id: 'user_id', user_email: 'user@example.com')

GMO ID Settlement

ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonGmoIdGateway.contract_code = 'YOUR_CONTRACT_CODE'

gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonGmoIdGateway.new

amount = 10000

purchase_detail = {
  user_id:      'YOUR_APP_USER_IDENTIFIER',
  user_email:   'yamada-taro@example.com',
  user_name:    'YAMADA TARO',
  item_code:    'ITEM001',
  item_name:    'Golden Product',
  order_number: 'UNIQUE ORDER NUMBER',
  gmo_id:       'Your member id of GMO ID',
  gmo_card_id:  'Your sequential card number of GMO ID',

gateway.purchase(amount, purchase_detail)

GMO ID Settlement Void Transaction


Virtual Account Payment

ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonVirtualAccountGateway.contract_code = 'YOUR_CONTRACT_CODE'

gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonVirtualAccountGateway.new

amount = 10000

purchase_detail = {
  user_id:        'YOUR_APP_USER_IDENTIFIER',
  user_name:      '山田 太郎',
  user_email:     'yamada-taro@example.com',
  item_code:      'ITEM001',
  item_name:      'Greate Product',
  order_number:   'UNIQUE ORDER NUMBER',
  user_name_kana: 'ヤマダタロウ'

response = gateway.purchase(amount, purchase_detail)

if response.success?
  puts "Successfully charged #{amount} yen as virtual account payment"
  puts "Account number is #{response.params['account_number']}"
  puts "Bank name is #{response.params['account_name']}"
  raise StandardError, response.message

Epsilon Link Payment

EpsilosLinkPaymentGateway is available in all link payments. For example, GMO Payment After Delivery.

If you don't need to send paramaters of delivery information details(e.g. consignee_postal, consignee_name, orderer_postal, and orderer_name), you set delivery_info_required to false.

Default value of delivery_info_required is true, therefore you must set delivery information details to purchase_detail When you don't set delivery_info_required.

ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonLinkPaymentGateway.contract_code = 'YOUR_CONTRACT_CODE'

gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::EpsilonLinkPaymentGateway.new

amount = 10000

purchase_detail = {
  user_id:           'YOUR_APP_USER_IDENTIFIER',
  user_name:         '山田 太郎',
  user_email:        'yamada-taro@example.com',
  user_tel:          '0312345678',
  item_code:         'ITEM001',
  item_name:         'Greate Product',
  order_number:      'UNIQUE ORDER NUMBER',
  st_code:           'SETTLEMENT_CODE',
  consignee_postal:  '1500002',
  consignee_name:    '山田 太郎',
  consignee_address: '東京都渋谷区1-1-1',
  consignee_tel:     '0312345678',
  orderer_postal:    '1500002',
  orderer_name:      '山田 太郎',
  orderer_address:   '東京都渋谷区1-1-1',
  orderer_tel:       '0312345678',
  memo1:             'memo1',
  memo2:             'memo2',

delivery_info_required = true

response = gateway.purchase(amount, purchase_detail, delivery_info_required)

if response.success?
  puts "Successfully send order data"
  puts "Redirect url is #{response.params['redirect']}"
  raise StandardError, response.message

Epsilon Link Payment Void Transaction


Error handling

If epsilon server returns status excepted 200, #purchase method raise ActiveMerchant::ResponseError.

When your request parameters are wrong(e.g. contract_code), the method returns failure response.

  • #success? returns false
  • #params has error detail
response = gateway.purchase(10000, creadit_card, invalid_detail)

response.success? # => false
response.params   # => Hash included error detail


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  2. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  3. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  4. Create a new Pull Request