
sbv IMPROVER 2013 Subchallenge 2 method

Primary LanguageR


Peter Sadowski and Michael Zeller (Team IGB) submission and scripts for sbv IMPROVER 2013 subchallenge 2


Clone the git repository and also run the following to get the git submodules pylearn2 and cybtpy.

git submodule init
git submodule update

You will also need to extract the competition provided data from the data directory, for example:

cd data
unzip *.zip

After extracting, copy the files from the SBV_STC_subchallenge1_gold_standard folder into the SBV_STC_subchallenge2 folder.


Code has been tested on CentOS 6 using Python 2.7.6 and R 3.0.1.

Required R packages are gplots and VGAM.

Relevant scripts

The neural network training is performed using the Pylearn2 submodule, with the script and readme located in improver2013/opt/pylearn2/pylearn2/scripts/improver2013/

The pre- and post-analysis scripts for the competition are in the scripts dir, and they work with files from the data and out directories.

Pre-training analysis

process-microarray.r: Processes the GEx and P data and includes the batch number to construct the training data as a single file.

transform-data.r: Implements the transformations of the GEx data to be clipped from 0 to 4.

Post-training analysis

convert-to-significance-subchallenge2.r: Creates the submission file and figures using combinations of t-tests (bayesian, standardard), transformations (fisher z, logistic), and combinations of training data (using GEx, rat P only, rat and human P without GEx).