
MQTT Scroller for the Pimoroni Galactic Unicorn (PicoW)

Primary LanguagePython

MQTT Scroller for the Pimoroni Galactic Unicon with Pi Pico W

MQTT Scroller for the Pimoroni Galactic Unicon with Pi Pico W

An edited version of the Pimoroni Text Scroll to connect to Wifi and subscribe to an MQTT feed. This enables messages to be scrolled via any MQTT broker.


Pimoroni Galactic Unicon

Copy all the files to your Galactic Unicon using Thonny - edit config.py to add your Wifi and MQTT broker credentials.

Edit the unicornmqttscroller.py file for your own MQTTT to subscribe, background colour, scroll speed etc.

Created as part of work at the Connected Environments Group at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London.