TauREx (Tau Retrieval for Exoplanets) is a fully bayesian inverse atmospheric retrieval framework.
TauREx is a very extensive retrieval framework with a wide range of functionalities. Here are installation instructions and worked examples whilst we write a more exhaustive manual.
Already existing documentation can be found in the Documentation folder.
For any questions on how to run the code, features and bugs, please email Ingo Waldmann (ingo@star.ucl.ac.uk).
Waldmann et al. (2015a), “Tau-REx I: A Next Generation Retrieval Code for Exoplanetary Atmospheres”, ApJ, 802, 107 Waldmann et al. (2015b), “Tau-REx II: Retrieval of Emission Spectra, ApJ, 813, 13
- Ingo Waldmann
- Marco Rocchetto
- Tiziano Zingales
- Kay Yip
- Angelos Tsiaras
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The full documentation can now be found here: