- 4
Parallelize cross validation
#64 opened by Fedeanceri - 1
Error while running the algorithm
#63 opened by TamirEisenstein - 2
- 2
In the dataset, are the individuals from the control group (those who are healthy or have a Diagnosis value of 0) eventually going to be classified into subtypes as well?
#61 opened by hyywakeup - 1
About how to set the z_vals and z_max
#60 opened by xullllllll - 1
IndexError during CV
#59 opened by katrinaCode - 0
selecting the best number of subtypes
#58 opened by xullllllll - 3
Mixed Data Types
#55 opened by abadgerw - 0
selecting the best number of subtypes
#57 opened by xullllllll - 0
selecting the best number of subtypes
#56 opened by xullllllll - 4
Two questions in ZscoreSustain
#54 opened by xullllllll - 0
Two questions in ZscoreSustain
#53 opened by xullllllll - 0
- 1
Enabling PVD Plot Legends
#49 opened by katrinaCode - 1
About some installation error
#51 opened by Teemoninja - 2
- 6
- 10
ValueError in AbstractSuStaIn
#48 opened by katrinaCode - 6
Fix for "rare" divide by zero problem
#28 opened by illdopejake - 3
Ordinal Sustain Notebook
#39 opened by mmontazeri2001 - 5
Missing data
#1 opened by noxtoby - 9
Mislabelled subtype numbers in PVDs
#40 opened by Bea-Taylor - 4
- 3
Example code for mixture_KDE
#47 opened by alexander-ratzan - 1
[Question] Can we discover subtypes in a training test, and use the discovered subtypes to subtype subjects of a test set?
#44 opened by little-nem - 1
minor installation issue with sklearn
#43 opened by illdopejake - 2
Allow for complete model reloading
#42 opened by sea-shunned - 1
- 3
Question on Using pySuStaIn on ADNI
#36 opened by lmz123321 - 5
Data Preparation Pipeline/Code
#34 opened by lmz123321 - 1
- 6
Adding a colourbar to PVD plots
#32 opened by sea-shunned - 2
IndexError while running the SuStaIn Workshop file
#33 opened by chinei - 1
- 6
`use_parallel_startpoints` fails on numpy 1.21
#27 opened by noxtoby - 3
multiple sclerosis
#20 opened by luantunez - 0
- 3
Out of bounds issue in: self._optimise_parameters()
#16 opened by rperea14 - 8
- 2
Fixing controls in GMM
#21 opened by 88vikram - 5
- 2
- 1