Project page:

Instruction for running this site locally

Note You don't have to run this site locally since we only require you to upload the markdown files and relevent figures.

  1. Follow the first 2 steps in pull-request-instruction Remember:

    • Keep the file name as, never change the file name even you are updating the file.
    • Write your team number after your names as Zhenghao Peng, Bolei Zhou (Team 00)
    • Follow the template and remember to add 1) a summary section before the main body, 2) immediately follow a Table of Content section after the summary.
  2. Installing Ruby with version 3.0.0 if you are using a Mac, and ruby 2.7 should work for Linux, check for instruction.

  3. Installing Bundler and jekyll with

gem install --user-install bundler jekyll
# Make sure you are in project-2022fall folder.
bundler install
bundle add webrick
  1. Run your site with
bundle exec jekyll serve

You should see an address pop on the terminal ( / by default), go to this address with your browser.


Working on the project

  1. Create a folder with your team id under ./assets/images/TEAMID, you will use this folder to store all the images in your project.

  2. Copy the template at ./_posts/ and rename it with format under ./_posts/. The date in file name does not matter since the post date will be overwritten by the date field in front matter of the post. Please fill in the name(s) of team members and add the team ID after. We should stick to pattern in file name so it would be easier for you to find the post of your team when editing.

  3. Check out the sample posts we provide and the source code as well as basic Markdown syntax.

  4. Start your work in your .md file. You may only edit the .md file you just copied and renamed, and add images to ./assets/images/TEAMID. Please do NOT change any other files in this repo.

Once you save the .md file, jekyll will synchronize the site and you can check the changes on browser.


We will use git pull request to manage submissions.

Once you've done, follow steps 3 and 4 in pull-request-instruction to make a pull request BEFORE the deadline. Please make sure not to modify any file except your .md file and your images folder. We will merge the request after all submissions are received, and you should able to check your work in the project page on next week of each deadline.


Installation at MacOS:

brew install ruby
echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

# Close and restart the terminal
bundler install

# Now you can run server:
bundle exec jekyll serve