
UCLA ACM ICPCs CS 32 Technical Interview Preparation Workshop (Winter 2020)

Primary LanguageC++

CS 32 Technical Interview Prep Workshop

Presented by UCLA ACM ICPC
Event Details: https://tinyurl.com/cs32-icpc
Questions: https://tinyurl.com/ask-ucla-icpc
ICPC Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ucla.icpc/
Feedback Survey: https://forms.gle/JJAmgrR93vtdSURy7


  • Workshop 1 (Week 2): Introduction to Technical Interviews
  • Workshop 2 (Week 3): Linked Lists
  • Workshop 3 (Week 5): Stacks and Queues
  • Workshop 4 (Week 6): Recursion
  • Workshop 5 (Week 7): Big-O and STLs
  • Workshop 6 (Week 8): Trees and Binary Search No meeting this week Winter 2020
  • Workshop 7 (Week 9): Trees and Hash Tables

Workshop 1: Introduction to Technical Interviews

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SEaFGIBbvp7M_9ow1_6bcuTDRzenfgPmmCLPLU3_hAc/edit?usp=sharing

Warmup Problem: Fizz Buzz

Problem 1: Power of Two

Problem 2: Remove Vowels from a String

Problem 3: Robot Return to Origin

Problem 4: To Lower Case

Additional Problems:

Workshop 2: Linked Lists

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JLyHwHtVZiEKCivv0K1txKbsF-P8bZCe8CkCZjhHiAM/edit

Warmup Problem: Delete Node in a Linked List

Problem 1: Middle of the Linked List

Problem 2: Reverse Linked List

Problem 3: Merge Two Sorted Lists

Problem 4: Linked List Cycle

Bonus Problem: Intersection of Two Linked Lists

Additional Problems:

Workshop 3: Stacks and Queues

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1T6h2FOzrU48AzzI5K8gE9X0Rk7FPJTT6EUKUByBMgpw/edit?usp=sharing

Warmup Problem: Valid Parentheses

Problem 1: Backspace String Compare

Problem 2: Implement Stack Using Queues

Problem 3: Evaluate Postfix Expressions

Problem 4: Remove Outermost Parentheses

Workshop 4: Recursion

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Cs-cDp8teGPEopOy-AiCJJ7pDy4U2L6SyRBh_K_3-BI/edit?usp=sharing

Warmup Problem: Factorial

Problem 1: Sum Of Array Of Numbers Using Recursion.

Problem 2: Group Integers

Problem 3: Climbing Stairs.

Problem 4: Letter Combinations.

Workshop 5: Big-O

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1j1nIrwrgjOxo5cS73hW8agERTAz2f7qLRAjSZE88MNg/edit#slide=id.g7e66b61697_1_24 Kahoot: https://play.kahoot.it/v2/lobby?quizId=e7d7d6ba-b368-41fa-8fc9-3c41f950ee29

Problem 1: Valid Anagram

Problem 2: Missing Number

Problem 3: Add Digits

Problem 4: Find Peak Element

Workshop 6: Trees and Hash Tables

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jknXhuq3UFEp7bR-nkYsR8GbIeF1UHBmoN3rTohBTc0/edit?usp=sharing

Problem 1: Sum of Left Leaves

Problem 2: Path Sum

Problem 3: Two Sum

Problem 4: Intersection of Two Arrays