
An archive of live Phish audio

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Phish.in' Logo

Phish.in' is a web-based archive containing legal live audio recordings of the improvisational rock band Phish.

Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL are used on the server side. There's a web frontend (http://phish.in) and a public REST-ish API (http://phish.in/api-docs). The web frontend utilizes soundmanager2 as the audio playback engine.

All audio is currently in MP3 format; more formats may be made available at a later time. Files are currently served directly from the web server and cached via CloudFlare CDN.

Join the Discord to discuss curation and development.

Developer setup

  1. Install Docker.

  2. From the repo folder, build and start the containers.

make build
make start
  1. Download the data/audio seed file and unzip it. This file contains a full set of data with user and other sensitive information purged. It also includes all mp3 audio files for the last Baker's Dozen show (2017-08-06).
# Copy the SQL dump into PG container and run it
docker cp /path/to/phishin_for_devs.sql phishin_pg_1:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/dump.sql
docker exec -u postgres phishin_pg_1 psql phishin postgres -f docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/dump.sql
  1. Place the tracks folder on your local drive. If you run Rails inside Docker (recommended as a starting point), set its location in docker-compose.yml (default is /j/app_content/phishin). If you run Rails outside Docker, set its location as APP_CONTENT_PATH in .env and symlink it to your public folder: ln -s <path to files>/audio_files public/audio.

Open your browser and direct it to http://localhost/2017-08-06. You should be able to play the full show through the browser.


First, create the test db:

rails db:create RAILS_ENV=test
rails db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=test

Then run the specs:


Importing Audio

To import a new show or replace an existing one, name the MP3s according to the import format (I 01 Harry Hood.mp3) and place them in a folder named by date (2018-08-12). Place this folder in /content/import (as seen from the app container) and run the following command from within the container (docker-compose exec app bash):

rails shows:import

Use the interactive CLI to execute the import, then go to the rails console:

  tour: Tour.find("<tour id>"),
  taper_notes: "<paste taper notes>",
  published: true

Go to https://phish.in/<date> to verify the import.


You can create a new user via the Rails console (rails c). See Devise documentation for details on the authentication system.


Forked from StreamPhish by Jeff Lang.

Layout and graphic design by Mark Craig.

Logo design by Justin Craig-Kuhn.