A simple repo for providing a Docker container that can be used to test SSH(FS) access and mounting.
This is used for testing and should not be used in production for anything!
Builds of this image can be found at DockerHub.
To build the image, simply use make in the root of the repo directory:
$ make ln -s defaults.env .env docker-compose build Building agent Sending build context to Docker daemon 42.84MB Step 1/18 : FROM debian:latest ... Step 18/18 : CMD ["/usr/bin/python3", "/app/main.py"] [Warning] One or more build-args [TAG TZ] were not consumed Successfully built 0607b95f8b54 Successfully tagged ucphhpc/ssh-mount-dummy:edge
The default username and password for the ucphhpc/ssh-mount-dummy image is set to mountuser
and Passw0rd!
This can be changed by modifying the .env
file before the image is being built with make.
After changing either the PASSWORD
definitions in the .env
file, the image has to be rebuilt before the changes
will take effect.
An alternative to password based authentication, is to used public key authentication.
The default way to accomplish this, is to put your public key in the specified authorized-keys
directory in the root path of the repository.
This directory is created by default when the make init
target is executed.
The default docker-compose.yml
then defines that the authorized-keys
directory is mounted into the container's AUTHORIZED_KEYS_DIR
directory as set in the .env file.
Upon container instantiation, the public keys in the mounted authorized-keys
directory are then copied to the default /home/${USERNAME}/.ssh/authorized_keys
file by the main.py
In addition to authentication, you can also customized which directories you want to mount from the host into the ssh mount dummy container.
The recommended approach, is to amend the docker-compose.yml
file to include the desired directories to be mounted via the volumes
For example, to mount the host's mnt
directory into the ${USERNAME}
's home directory, namely the /home/${USERNAME}/mnt
directory, the following can be added to the docker-compose.yml
volumes: - ./authorized-keys:${AUTHORIZED_KEYS_DIR}:ro - ./mnt:/home/${USERNAME}/mnt:rw
An alternative approach is to use the -v
flag when launching the container with docker run
$ docker run -d --env /path/to/docker-ssh-mount-dummy-repo/.env -p 2222:22 -v /path/to/docker-ssh-mount-dummy-repo/mnt:/home/${USERNAME}/mnt ucphhpc/ssh-mount-dummy:latest
After every configuration change required has been made, the simplest way to run the container is to use the make up
$ make up
This will launch the configuration specified in the docker-compose.yml
file with the environment specifications defined in the .env
file and the specified mounted volumes.
In turn, the launched image can be stopped by executing the make down
make down
Any security related questions/issues/inquries should be directed at security@erda.dk