
Federated Bilevel Optimization

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

FedNest : Federated Bilevel, Minimax, and Compositional Optimization


This directory contains source code for evaluating federated bilevel learning with different optimizers on various models and tasks. In federated bilevel learning, we consider the following nested optimization problem as depicted in Figure 1: $$\min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^{d_1}}~f(x)=\frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^{m}~f_{i}(x,y^*(x))$$

$$\text{subj. to } y^*(x)\in \text{arg}min_{y\in \mathbb{R}^{d_2}}\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{m} g_i(x,y).$$

The code was originally developed for the paper "FedNest: Federated Bilevel, Minimax, and Compositional Optimization" (arXiv link) (ICML 2022 link). The federated code is adopted from shaoxiongji's implenmentation under MIT license. The code is organized as follows:

Note: The scripts will be slow without the implementation of parallel computing.



Reproducing Results on FL Benchmark Tasks

Hyper-Representation Learning


To reproduce the hyper-representation experiments on MNIST dataset, the script provides the setup. After running this script, use following command to generate the corresponding figure.

python reproduce/fig2.py

Loss Function Tuning on Imbalanced Dataset

alt Figure 3: Loss function tuning on a 3-layer MLP and imbalanced MNIST dataset to maximize class-balanced test accuracy. The top dashed line is the accuracy on non-federated bilevel optimization, and the bottom dashed line is the accuracy without tuning the loss function.

To reproduce the imbalanced learning experiments on MNIST dataset, the script provides the setup. After running this script, use following command to generate the corresponding figure.

python reproduce/fig3.py

Federated Minimax Problem


For Figure 4, directly runing the jupyter notebook file minmax_synthetic.ipynb will generate the result.

Customize Run

The hyper-representation experiments are produced by:

python main_hr.py

The imbalanced MNIST experiments are produced by:

python main_imbalance.py

The min-max synthetic experiments are produced in the Jupyter Notebook minmax_synthetic.ipynb

A simple run example is as following

python main_hr.py --iid --epochs 50 --gpu 0

By control the augments, there can be more configuration. In the paper, the authors mainly discuss four varients of FedNest. Here we provide the corresponding parameters to run each of them:

alt 4 main algorithms appears in the paper.

  • FedNest

    --hvp_method global --optim svrg

  • LFedNest

    --hvp_method seperate --optim sgd

  • FedNestSGD

    --hvp_method global --optim sgd

  • LFedNestSVRG

    --hvp_method seperate --optim svrg

To control the epoch, data distribution (iid or non-iid), inner learning rate, outer learning rate, the arguments are availiable:

--epoch [epoch number] --iid [default is non-iid, with argument iid client data is iid] --hlr [outer learning rate] --lr [inner learning rate]

More arguments are avaliable in options.py.