Android app that is intended to help UCSB students buy/sell resources to each other.
- 0
User Profile Picture Upload
#48 opened by chrisyang365 - 0
User Profile Paypal/Venmo
#55 opened by chrisyang365 - 0
Google Map Feature
#57 opened by chrisyang365 - 0
Listing Search Feature
#56 opened by chrisyang365 - 1
Create Listing History
#54 opened by chrisyang365 - 0
Create unit and instrumental tests
#50 opened by kylestubbs102 - 2
As a UCSB student, I want to be able to create a listing so that potential buyers will be able to see it.
#23 opened by ScudBt - 0
"Add product" feature in Share window
#16 opened by ScudBt - 0
Retro for week 7
#42 opened by ScudBt - 2
- 0
Create a message section in the app
#28 opened by kylestubbs102 - 2
- 1
There have add, delete and details buttons on the list of sharing items for the user.
#34 opened by tiletv - 1
Search bar for the Find window
#13 opened by ScudBt - 1
User Profile Info Display
#15 opened by ScudBt - 0
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