
Timeout triggered, -223 left...

phros opened this issue · 2 comments

phros commented

Hi ,

I'm using the docker image. I ran the run.py from the eval/karonte_stats/.Just for information: after 3 days of running, one process is still not finished. The output says:

      | 2020-02-17 08:32 | Karonte  |  Hard Timeout triggered, but we are in z3, trying again in 30 seconds
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:37 | Karonte  |  Timeout triggered, -216 left....
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:37 | Karonte  |  Hard Timeout triggered, but we are in z3, trying again in 30 seconds
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:42 | Karonte  |  Timeout triggered, -217 left....
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:42 | Karonte  |  Hard Timeout triggered, but we are in z3, trying again in 30 seconds
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:47 | Karonte  |  Timeout triggered, -218 left....
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:47 | Karonte  |  Hard Timeout triggered, but we are in z3, trying again in 30 seconds
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:52 | Karonte  |  Timeout triggered, -219 left....
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:52 | Karonte  |  Hard Timeout triggered, but we are in z3, trying again in 30 seconds
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:57 | Karonte  |  Timeout triggered, -220 left....
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:57 | Karonte  |  Hard Timeout triggered, but we are in z3, trying again in 30 seconds
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:58 | Karonte  |  Timeout triggered, -221 left....
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:58 | Karonte  |  Hard Timeout triggered, but we are in z3, trying again in 30 seconds
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:58 | Karonte  |  Timeout triggered, -222 left....
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:58 | Karonte  |  Hard Timeout triggered, but we are in z3, trying again in 30 seconds
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:59 | Karonte  |  Timeout triggered, -223 left....
INFO      | 2020-02-17 08:59 | Karonte  |  Hard Timeout triggered, but we are in z3, trying again in 30 seconds

Seems like the timeout counter does not check when its time to terminate. Seems like it is the NETGEAR r_9000 fw:

$ ps a | grep karonte
  7027 pts/1    S+     0:00 sh -c python tool/karonte.py config/NETGEAR/r_9000.json ./eval/karonte_stats/results//NETGEAR/r_9000.json
  7031 pts/1    Rl+  5850:44 python tool/karonte.py config/NETGEAR/r_9000.json ./eval/karonte_stats/results//NETGEAR/r_9000.json


phros commented

Ok. Thanks