Project Description: 

This is the APP designed for letting student keep tracking their GPA and aceddemic behavior throughtout the college.

APP Running Enevironment:

Support Google 6.0.0 or above API 23 or above 

Scenario Testing: 

Testing environment: Standard Andriod Espresso automamatic testing mechanism/ Junit testing framework 

Those are the most essential functionality for this APP expecting the most frequent using functionality for most of the users.


The scenario test must be run in a specific order otherwise the database will not have the record 

1. First, run
2. Second, run
3. Last run


1.Test Register, Login and Logout

Given the user is on the login page
When user full in the register information under specific requirement and clikc register 
Then the user is successfully resgister and go to the homepage directly. 

2.Test Add course for user including setting course name, unit, grading option and grading distribution (and setting weight).

Given the user is on the homepage 
When the user click on the naviagation bar and choose course 
Then the user will enter course page
When the user click on the add botton
Then the user can enter course name, number of unit and letter/PNP option 
When the user click on the grade distirbution
Then the user can enter all grading breakdown for this course 
When the user click on addCourse botton
Then the course will be successfully added 
When the user want to add another course 
Then the user can repeat the same process 

3.Test Add individual assignment for certain course including setting due dates and chosing assignment category.

Given the user desire to add assignment and on the coursepage
When the user click on a specific course and click on add botton
Then the user can enter the name of the assignment, due date, and the category of the assignment. 
When the user click on addAssignemnt botton
Then the assignment will be added successfully 
When the user go back to homepage
Then all assignment will appear as recent due on the homepage 


The Junit test is aiming to test if registered user is updated on Firebase backend by checking users' UID since Espresso handle all 
asserting statements during the scenario tests.

