
Template for the mycat practice task

Primary LanguageCMake




mycat [OPTION]... [FILE]...

Reads specified files to stdout.

If one of the multiple files cannot be read, mycat will fail and print nothing to stdout.

Option -A replaces invisible non-whitespace characters with their hexadecimal values.

Help flags -h/--help support is available.


  • C++ compiler - needs to support C++17 standard
  • CMake 3.15+

Dependencies (such as development libraries) can be found in the dependencies folder in the form of the text files with package names for different package managers.


  1. Clone the project.

    git clone git@github.com:ucu-computer-systems/mycat-template.git
  2. Install required packages.

    On Ubuntu:

    [[ -r dependencies/apt.txt ]] && sed 's/#.*//' dependencies/apt.txt | xargs sudo apt-get install -y

    On MacOS:

    [[ -r dependencies/homebrew.txt ]] && sed 's/#.*//' dependencies/homebrew.txt | xargs brew install

    Use Conan on Windows.

  3. Build.

    cmake -Bbuild
    cmake --build build
  4. Test.

    tests/runtests.sh ./build ./tests