
Maven Central

Maven Central



Main features

  1. True typesafe configuration
  2. Strong properties validation
  3. Possibility to subscribe to properties change


Lets imagine that you are developing a java-based server, which reads currencies from the database and distributes them to your website through Rest service.

You should be able to configure server to work in three environments: SIT, UAT, Prod Also your production servers are located in different countries: Russia, USA and India

You want to configure:

  1. Database URL
  2. Language that you want to use for your Rest services response

So, lets get started!

First, create a space configuration file (located: ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/config-spaces.conf)

space {
    env: [sit, uat, prod]
    location: [no_location, rus, usa, india]

points [
    {env: sit, location: no_location},
    {env: uat, location: no_location},
    {env: prod, location: rus},
    {env: prod, location: usa},
    {env: prod, location: india},

Now, create a configuration file with the values (located: ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/config.conf)

database.url {
    ~sit: 'my_sit_database'
    ~uat: 'my_uat_database'
    ~prod: 'my_prod_database'

language {
    ~default: 'eng' // ~default - special keyword for default values
    ~rus: 'russia'

Add the following lines to your project pom.xml



                <relativeDirectory>/smart-generated-sources/smart-config</relativeDirectory> <!-- Optional -->
                <csvProperties>${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/smart-config-test.conf</csvProperties> <!-- Required -->
                <dimensions>${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/smart-config-dimensions.conf</dimensions> <!-- Required -->


Run 'mvn clean install'

After plugin execution, you will be able to work with properties in a following way:

SmartConfig smartConfig = SmartConfigProperties.getConfig("prod", "usa");

String databaseUrl = smartConfig.getDatabaseUrl();
SmartConfigValue<String> databaseUrlConfig = smartConfig.getDatabaseUrlConfig();

System.out.println(databaseUrl); // Prints 'my_prod_database'