
Designed a fully functional web app for canteen Management with the following key features:-

  • 1.Login, Regenerate Password for the User.
  • 2.After Logging in, User can manage their orders, can order food, and watch their previous orders and profile.
  • 3.User can review the food items and can check the ingredients of Food by just clicking the Photo of Food.
  • 4.Separate Login window for Admin where Admin can verify the order and can send the order status mail to User.
  • 5.admin can manage the food items and their prices.
  • 6.User can manage their profile at Canteen easily just by verifying the email address.

Miscellaneous Features

  • Computer Vision for Food ingredient tag generation
  • NLP for food review sentiment analysis.
  • We used MySQL database for all the data retrieval/storage using SQL query execution.

Technology/Frameworks used

  • Python
  • Flask
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • MySQL
  • Rest API
  • NLP
  • Computer Vision


  • User Login alt text
  • User SignUp alt text
  • User Home Page alt text
  • User Food Review Page alt text
  • Getting Tag for Food alt text
  • User Order Booking alt text
  • Order book Confirmation on window alt text
  • User Dashboard for managing Profile and others alt text
  • Listing User orders alt text
  • Details of a particular order alt text
  • Login for Admin alt text
  • Admin Home Page alt text
  • Admin add/drop daily Menu Page alt text