
Machine learning Beginning using python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Machine learning Beginning using python libraries like numpy,scipy,matplotlib,pandas etc.

Linear Regression:

--Model is trained with training data

--Applying linear square fit method to predict the hypothetic function

--Hypothetic function using gradient descent algorithm for minimization of cost function

--Trainning data is taken from:- https://www.kaggle.com/andonians/random-linear-regression/version/2

Polynomial Regression:

--Comparing polynomial regression on data set with linear regression

Classification Algorithms

--K-nearest neighbours (KNN) with implementation

--Support vector machine(SVM) with implementation

--SVM Kernels and analysing the confidence we get from using different kerenls in SVM with OVO and OVR decisionn function

Clustering :


--Mean shift

Logistic Regression:

--training the model

--visualising traning data and test data

--checking accuracy of model Decision Tree Regression:

Random Forest Regression: