

Build docker image Ship docker hub Run docker container

(J,E,W)AR —> WORA = write Once, Run Anywhere Image —> PODA = Package Once, Deploy Anywhere

App1 Bins/Libs MacOS —Hyoervisor— —Host OS— ---Infrastructure—

App1 Bins/Libs Docker Engine OS Infrastructure

Docker WorkFlow: Client: Docker Hsot Registry Docker build Docker daemon Docker pull containers Images Docker run

Once you installed the docker.

docker-machine —version

docker-machine create -d virtualbox myhost

If you are facing issues while installing Virtualbox. Please follow below link

env | grep DOCKER

docker-machine env myhost

#Run below command to configure your shell: eval $(docker-machine env myhost5) env | grep DOCKER

docker container run -d --name web -P jboss/wildfly

docker container ls

If you want to change the port: docker container run -d --name web -p 8080:8080 jboss/wildfly

If you want to remove the container image: docker container rm -f web copy chapter2 in directory

docker container run -d --name web -p 8080:8080 -v pwd/webapp.war:/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/webapp.war jboss/wildfly

curl http://localhost:8080/webapp/resources/persons #output: PennyLeonardSheldonAmyHowardBernadetteRajPriya

. Dockerfile syntax . Create a new directory . Explain build context

FROM ubuntu

CMD echo "Hello world"