Time Series Analysis using R https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNB8AgZPFLU
- In Time series we only deal with the one Variable that will dependent on the Time
- Where as other algorithms such as the Logistics Regression or Linear Regression they deal with the 2 Variables they are dependent and the independent variables.
- A time series is a series of the data points indexed in timed oreder.
- Most commanly the Time series is a sequence taken at successive equally spaced points in time.
- Time series Forecasting is the use of model to predict future values based on previously observed values.
- when the values are constant.
- If the data is non stationary.
- The mean shoud be constant according to the time.
- The Variance should be equall at differnt time intervals.
- The co-variance should also be equall
General Trend
Irreguar Fluctuations
General Trend - A General Direction in which the trend is changing. []
Seasonal - A peak or dip which is sean in the time interval.
Iregular Fluctutation - The un controlled situtation which aries due to which the value change. Eg: Flights cancelled due to Fog
- AR - Auto Regression(p)
- MA - Moving Average(q)
- I - Integration(d)
- we needto get the p,q,d values from the ACF Graph
- ACF means Auto co-relation function graph
acf(diff(log(AirPassengers))) # Determines the value of the q
pacf(diff(log(AirPassengers))) # Determines the value of the p
d value are by default 1, they change on how many times you to differanation