
Assignment for question available at https://proximity-tech.github.io/be-challenge/

Primary LanguagePython


An online platform where instuctors and students manage their courses.

Architectural Overview:

This system is developed keeping in view Model - Controller pattern data models are created at Model layer and APIs are exposed at Controller layer. Also, Business logic would be managed at Service level.

Actors: Instructor, Student
Base entity: OnlineLearning

Tools and techniques used:

IDE: PyCharm
Programming language: Python
Framework: Flask
Packages used: request, json, uuid


onlineclass_db.sqlite : Database for the project

Future scope:

  1. Concrete implementation of business logic can be done
  2. Can use popular relational or no-sql databases e.g. postgres, mongodb etc depending upon the requirement.
  3. Can also add more features like notification to users, suggestions to users over email at regular interval.

Assignment for question available at https://proximity-tech.github.io/be-challenge/