
ios17 location simulation

Primary LanguageShell

Buy Me A Coffee

If this helps you save a few bucks, please consider buying me a beer :)


iOS 17 brought some challenges with allowing us to simulate the location on iOS devices. The folks behind pymobiledevice3 have provided a way to workaround the new limitations.

This script is to make the steps more accessible to everyone! :)

This script is focused on accessing the best fuel prices across Australia

With thanks to Master131 for https://projectzerothree.info/ and https://github.com/master131/iFakeLocation/


  • This is only for MacOS!
  • "It works on my machine" - best efforts are made to be system agnostic
  • sudo / root is required for pymobiledevice3 to run some of the elevated com

I would recommend running all of this in a python virtualenv, but that is out of scope of this script as this has been an attempt to provide a "one size fits all" approach

Prerequisite - python

If you already have python installed, yay! If not please install python. A suggestion is to use homebrew

Install python using homebrew:

brew install python

Prerequisite - jq

jq is required to extract key/values from the json API response data. A suggestion is to use homebrew

Install python using homebrew:

brew install jq

Prerequisite - pymobiledevice3

Source: https://github.com/doronz88/pymobiledevice3/tree/master

Install pymobiledevice3 using pip:

python3 -m pip install -U pymobiledevice3


  1. Download fuel-spoof.sh

  2. Make it executable:

chmod +X fuel-spoof.sh
  1. Connected your iOS17 device to your Mac

  2. Execute the script

