
Version control for my LaTex Resume

Primary LanguageTeX



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\newcommand{\resumeSubHeadingListStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]}

%%%%%%  RESUME STARTS HERE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


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%   \textbf{\href{x@x.com}{\Large Name}} & Email : \href{mailto:x@x.com}{email}\\
%   \href{site.com}{site.com} & Mobile : +1-123-456-7890 \\
% \end{tabular*}

\newcommand\NAME{Uday Y. Patel}
\newcommand\UNIVERSITY{Rutgers University}
\newcommand\UNIVERSITYLOCATION{New Brunswick, NJ}

    \textbf{\Huge \scshape \NAME} \\ \vspace{1pt}
    \href{mailto:\EMAIL}{\underline{\EMAIL}} $|$ 
    \href{https://www.\LINKEDIN}{\underline{\LINKEDIN}} $|$

      {Master of Business \& Science (MS + MBA), Computer \& Information Science | GPA: 3.9}{Jan. 2023 -- Dec. 2025}
      {Bachelor of Arts, Computer Science}{Sept. 2019 -- Dec. 2022}


      {Software Engineer}{Jan. 2023 -- Present}
      {\href{https://guardianlife.com}{Guardian Life}}{New York, NY}
        \resumeItem{Built internal tooling in Typescript on the Growth Team to track authenticated users across Direct-To-Consumer Member Portals, fueling a backend ML service to enhance personalization resulting in a 15\% increase in product cross-sales}
        \resumeItem{Developed and owned a Release Management Service using a Jenkins cluster, Groovy, Python, FastAPI, and GitOps to reduce the probability of deployment rollbacks by only allowing QA tested code in production, resulting in 98\% uptime}
        \resumeItem{Implemented and owned a robust API service on the Dental Pre-Sales Core Platform, facilitating the persistence of Group Benefit proposal documents on AWS S3 and enabling efficient migration of over 1,000,000 on-premises data records}
        \resumeItem{Collaborated with leadership to help define engineering culture and fortify the existing new-grad pipeline program by creating content for live Demo Days at top universities which increased competitive application rates by $\mathtt{\sim}$ 20\% }
% -----------Multiple Positions Heading-----------
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%     {Software Engineer I}{MM YYYY - MM YYYY}
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%        \resumeItem{Apache Beam}
%          {lorem ipsum}
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      {Data Science Fellow}{July 2022 -- Nov. 2022}
      {\href{https://www.bluebonnetdata.org/}{Bluebonnet Data}}{Washington, D.C.}
        \resumeItem{Provided campaign analysis to \href{https://lisaforga.com/}{Lisa Campbell}, Democratic Nominee of the Georgia State House District 35}
        \resumeItem{Coordinated with local political staff to create an executive dashboard with voter metrics on Google Data Studio}
        \resumeItem{Ingested data from the \href{https://www.ngpvan.com/}{NGP VAN Software} to build a heat-map of critical regions, improving campaign strategy}

      {Teaching Assistant}{July 2021 -- Jan. 2022}
      {Rutgers University, Department of Computer Science}{New Brunswick, NJ}
        \resumeItem{Lead recitation sections and content delivery for the 01:198:111 course taught by Dr. Lars Sorensen}
        \resumeItem{Curated 5+ new problem sets for weekly assignments and held office hours to provide individualized explanations}
        \resumeItem{Facilitated bi-weekly stand-up meetings with the professor to be aligned on semester goals and student OKRs}

      {Data Engineering Intern}{June 2021 -- Aug. 2021}
      {\href{https://www.dnb.com/}{Dun \& Bradstreet}}{Short Hills, NJ}
        \resumeItem{Improved documentation on data integrity for the Global Operations \& Strategy Team, evangelizing Snowflake}
        \resumeItem{Developed ETL jobs in Python to ingest customer analytics data, refining a 3rd party conversational AI service}
        \resumeItem{Performed end-to-end testing on the production container and implemented an email-on-failure feature for all jobs}


          {\textbf{\href{https://github.com/udaypatel1/nba-live-rust}{NBA Live}} $|$ \emph{Rust, Homebrew, Ruby, Github}}{Jan. 2024 -- Feb. 2024}
            \resumeItem{Built an open source CLI tool using Rust to view live game data in the terminal, wrapping an ESPN API endpoint}
            \resumeItem{Packaged the application as a Homebrew Tap with Ruby, available for public installation on ARM-based machines} 
            \resumeItem{Gained 200+ unique user downloads for the package and managed version deployments with new features}
          {\textbf{NYC Big Data Analytics} $|$ \emph{Hadoop, Pig, Hive, Linux, Python3}}{Nov 2023 -- Jan. 2024}
            \resumeItem{Used Hadoop Distributed File System to persist raw NYC 2023-2024 Social Services data across 5 pseudo distributed nodes}
            \resumeItem{Wrote Pig Latin code to clean raw data files, structuring them by relevant columns using MapReduce jobs for performance}
            \resumeItem{Discovered trends using linear regression after building queries in Hive for data ingestion and processing}
%-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS-----------
\section{Technical Skills}
 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
     \textbf{Languages}{: Java, Python3, JavaScript, TypeScript, Terraform, Zsh/Bash, Rust, Go, SQL} \\
     \textbf{Frameworks}{: Spring Boot, Nest.js, Next.js, React, FastAPI, Django, Playwright, Jest, GraphQL, JPA, Prisma, boto3} \\
     \textbf{Developer Tools}{: Git, Docker, Bitbucket, Jenkins, AWS (Lambda, S3, ELB, ECS, EC2, VPC, API Gateway)} \\
     \textbf{Software}{: Redis, MongoDB, CassandraDB, NGINX, Kafka, Spark, Tableau, Figma, Okta, Twilio Segment, Jira, Slack, ServiceNow}
