
🍄 Simple frontend for password-store

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


pass-menu provides a generic interface to password store, that works well with any command that accepts stdin. ie fzf, dmenu, rofi or even grep.


  • pass-menu can select induvidual key-value pair data.
  • Supports copying and typing on both wayland and X11.
  • Has support for TOTP codes using pass-otp
  • Integrates well with other menu commands rather than being bound to one.




git clone https://github.com/udayvir-singh/pass-menu.git
cd pass-menu

su -c 'make install'

You should use doas make install, or sudo make install if you have it on your system.


pass-menu accepts password-store files as described in official docs:

correct horse battery staple
Username: udayvir-singh
Email:    never-gonna-give-you-up@rick.com
Recovery: adhas-w2kjh


action(Autofill) :type Username :tab :type Password :sleep 0.2 :copy OTP

action(Hello) :exec "echo HELLO!" :notify "Said Hello"

You can also use Password key instead of storing password in first line.

Username: udayvir-singh
Password: correct horse battery staple


pass-menu can automate most stuff using actions, the syntax goes as follows:

action(<name>) <...actions>

Actions can be one of:

Action Description
:tab send Tab key
:enter send Enter key
:type <key> type out <key> in store
:clip <key> copy <key> to clipboard
:sleep {n} wait for {n} amount of seconds
:exec "string" pass "string" to shell for execution
:notify "string" pass "string" to notify-send

Actions Usage

  • Autofilling forms automatically
action(Autofill) :type Username :tab :type Password :sleep 3 :type OTP
  • Update password data
action(Update) :exec "pass generate <pass_name>" :notify "Successfully Updated Password"
  • Print out fortune (idk, I am bored)
action(Fortune) :exec "fortune linux"


pass-menu can be called in CLI by

pass-menu [ --clip | --type | --echo ] -- <menu-cmd>


$ pass-menu -- fzf

$ pass-menu --clip --timeout 10 -- fzf


$ pass-menu -- dmenu

$ pass-menu --type -- dmenu -i -l 15


$ pass-menu --echo -- grep -E '<pass-name>|<key>'

$ pass-menu --echo -- grep -E 'Git/GitHub|Password'

For more information see pass-menu --help


There are 10+ pass with X menu integerations on Y display server, hence reason for creating pass-menu. some popular ones are listed below:

  • pass-tessen: inspiration for this plugin, but showed errors with Wayland variables, only works with fzf.
  • tessen: closest to this plugin, but does not work with X11.
  • rofi-pass: most feature rich (bloated), only works with rofi on X11.