
opentelemetry-trace-sqs propagates Open Telemetry tracing with SQS messages for Go language

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opentelemetry-trace-sqs propagates Open Telemetry tracing with SQS messages for the Go language. Injecting with SNS Publish is also supported since SNS-to-SQS fanout is a common case.

Tracing propagation with SQS

Extract trace from SQS received message

Use SqsCarrierAttributes.Extract() to extract trace context from SQS message.

import (

// handleSQSMessage is an example function that uses SqsCarrierAttributes.Extract to
// extract tracing context from inbound SQS message.
func handleSQSMessage(app *application, inboundSqsMessage types.Message) {
    // Extract the tracing context from a received SQS message
    ctx := otelsqs.NewCarrier().Extract(context.Background(), inboundSqsMessage.MessageAttributes)

    // Use the trace context as usual, for instance, starting a new span
    ctxNew, span := app.tracer.Start(ctx, "handleSQSMessage")
    defer span.End()

    // One could log the traceID
    log.Printf("handleSQSMessage: traceID=%s", span.SpanContext().TraceID().String())

    // Now handle the SQS message

Inject trace context into SQS message before sending

Use SqsCarrierAttributes.Inject() to inject trace context into SQS message before sending it.

import (

// sendSQSMessage is an example function that uses SqsCarrierAttributes.Inject to
// propagate tracing context into outgoing SQS message.
// 'ctx' holds current tracing context.
func sendSQSMessage(ctx context.Context, app *application, outboundSqsMessage types.Message) {
    // You have a trace context in 'ctx' that you need to propagate into SQS message 'outboundSqsMessage'
    ctxNew, span := app.tracer.Start(ctx, "sendSQSMessage")
    defer span.End()

    // Inject the tracing context
    if errInject := otelsqs.NewCarrier().Inject(ctxNew, outboundSqsMessage.MessageAttributes); errInject != nil {
        log.Printf("inject error: %v", errInject)

    // Now you can send the SQS message

Inject with SNS Publish

Use SnsCarrierAttributes.Inject to inject trace context into SNS publishing.

import (

// publish is an example function that uses SnsCarrierAttributes.Inject to
// propagate tracing context with SNS publishing.
// 'ctx' holds current tracing context.
func publish(ctx context.Context, topicArn, msg string) {
    input := &sns.PublishInput{
        TopicArn:          aws.String(topicArn),
        Message:           aws.String(msg),
        MessageAttributes: make(map[string]types.MessageAttributeValue),

    // Inject the tracing context
    if errInject := otelsns.NewCarrier().Inject(ctx, input.MessageAttributes); errInject != nil {
        log.Printf("inject error: %v", errInject)

    // Now invoke SNS publish for input

Open Telemetry tracing recipe for GIN and HTTP

  1. Initialize the tracing - see main.go
  2. Enable trace propagation - see internal/tracing
  3. Retrieve tracing from request context

3.1. If using GIN

GIN - Use otelgin middleware

// gin
import "go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/github.com/gin-gonic/gin/otelgin"

GIN - Get context with c.Request.Context()

// gin
func handlerRoute(c *gin.Context, app *application) {
    const me = "handlerRoute"
    ctx, span := app.tracer.Start(c.Request.Context(), me)
    defer span.End()
// ...

3.2. If using standard http package

HTTP - Wrap handler with otelhttp.NewHandler

wrappedHandler := otelhttp.NewHandler(handler, "hello-instrumented")
http.Handle("/hello-instrumented", wrappedHandler)

HTTP - Get context with r.Context()

func httpHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    const me = "httpHandler"
    ctx, span := app.tracer.Start(r.Context(), me)
    defer span.End()
// ...
  1. For http client, create a Request from Context and wrap transport with otelhttp.NewTransport
newCtx, span := app.tracer.Start(ctx, "backendHTTP.fetch")
req, errReq := http.NewRequestWithContext(newCtx, "GET", u, nil)
client := http.Client{Transport: otelhttp.NewTransport(http.DefaultTransport)}
resp, errGet := client.Do(req)

Test trace propagation across SQS

# Jaeger

open jaeger: http://localhost:16686

# Server 1
export QUEUE_URL_INPUT=https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/100010001000/q1
export QUEUE_URL_OUTPUT=https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/100010001000/q2
export OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=opentelemetry-trace-sqs-gin-1
export HTTP_ADDR=:8001
export BACKEND_URL=http://localhost:8002/send

# Server 2
export QUEUE_URL_INPUT=https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/100010001000/q2
export QUEUE_URL_OUTPUT=https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/100010001000/q3
export OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=opentelemetry-trace-sqs-gin-2
export HTTP_ADDR=:8002
export BACKEND_URL=http://localhost:8003/send

# Server 3
export QUEUE_URL_INPUT=https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/100010001000/q3
export QUEUE_URL_OUTPUT=https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/100010001000/q4
export OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=opentelemetry-trace-sqs-gin-3
export HTTP_ADDR=:8003
export BACKEND_URL=http://wrong:8002/send

curl -d '{"a":"b"}' localhost:8001/send


Open Issue

Instrumentation for SNS/SQS

OpenTelemetry Go Contrib Instrumentation


OpenTelemetry Registry


B3 Propagation
