
refresh delivers Spring Cloud Config Bus refresh notifications to Go applications

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

license Go Report Card Go Reference


refresh delivers Spring Cloud Config Bus refresh notifications to Go applications.


See example: examples/refresh-example/main.go

import "github.com/udhos/refresh/refresh"

amqpURL := "amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq:5672/"
me := filepath.Base(os.Args[0])
debug := true

// "#" means receive notification for all applications
refresher := refresh.New(amqpURL, me, []string{"#"}, debug, nil)

for app := range refresher.C {
    log.Printf("refresh: received notification for application='%s'", app)


  1. Run ./run-local-rabbit.sh

  2. Run refresh-example

Build and run:

go install ./examples/refresh-example
  1. Post a message

Open http://localhost:15672/

Login with guest:guest

Open exchange springCloudBus: http://localhost:15672/#/exchanges/%2F/springCloudBus

Expand "Publish message".

Publish a sample message like this:

    "type": "RefreshRemoteApplicationEvent",
    "timestamp": 1649804650957,
    "originService": "config-server:0:0a36277496365ee8621ae8f3ce7032ce",
    "destinationService": "refresh-example:**",
    "id": "5a4cb501-652a-4ae2-9d3e-279e1d2a2169"

Check the logs for refresh-example application.