

To run the Server:

  1. Open a new terminal, then navigate to the /server directory
  2. Run npm install and wait for it to finish.
  3. To start the server, run node index.js. Leave the terminal open while using the app.

Unit Tests

Server tests are run using Jest. To run the Server unit tests, open a new terminal, then navigate to the /server directory, and once in there, run npm test.


Make sure you run the server before you run the client.

To run the Client in a dev environment:

  1. Open a new terminal and navigate to the /client directory.
  2. Run npm install and wait for it to finish.
  3. To start the front end devserver on localhost:3000, run npm start.
  4. Leave the terminal open while using the app.

Unit Tests

Client tests are run using Jest. To run the Client unit tests, open a new terminal, then navigate to the /client directory, and once in there, run npm test.