To-Do Task App

TechStack Used

1. Python (Programming Language)
2. Django (Web Framework)
3. Postgres (Database)
5. ReactJS (Fronted Framework)
5. Nginx

Webpage ScreenShots
1. Login

login page

Status Time Size
200 OK 95 ms 823 B
2. Sign Up

signup page

Status Time Size
201 OK 108ms 800 B
3. Dashboard

signup page

4. Create Task

create page

5. Edit Task

edit page

6. Delete Task

delete page

How to set up and run locally

1. Clone the Repository
2. After activating the virtual enviornment, redirect to project base directory.
3. Build and run the docker-compose

docker-compose up --build

5. Create superuser for accessing the dashboard as admin
$ docker exec -it todo_list bash
$ python3 createsuperuser

6. To access the dashboard checkout here