Certainly! I'd be happy to explain my e-commerce platform project named "Bewakoof" which I developed as part of my end-semester project. I'll walk you through the key components and functionalities of the application, as well as the underlying technologies and design choices.

Project Overview

"Bewakoof" is a full-fledged e-commerce platform that allows users to browse products, view product details, and manage authentication (sign up and log in). The application is built using React.js for the front end and integrates with a backend API for product and user management.

Key Features

  1. User Authentication:

    • Sign Up: New users can register an account.
    • Log In: Existing users can log in to access their account.
    • Logout: Logged-in users can log out to end their session.
  2. Product Management:

    • Product Listing: Displays a list of products fetched from an API.
    • Product Details: Users can view detailed information about a specific product.
    • Product Filtering: Products are categorized into "Top Rated", "New Arrivals", and "Best Sellers".

Detailed Component Breakdown


The main entry point of the application.

  • State Management: Utilizes useState and useEffect to manage state and side effects.
    • users, currentUser, products, isLoading, error: Various states to manage users, products, and loading/error states.
  • Fetch Data: Fetches product data from an external API on initial load.
  • Routing: Uses react-router-dom to define routes for different components:
    • Home (/)
    • Login (/login)
    • Sign Up (/signup)
    • Product Details (/product/:productId)


Handles authentication state management.

  • AuthContext: Created using React's createContext.
  • AuthProvider: Provides authentication context to the rest of the app.
  • useAuth: Custom hook to consume authentication context.


The navigation header component.

  • Conditional Rendering: Displays login or logout options based on the user's authentication status.
  • Navigation: Includes links to different routes and a logo.


The home page component.

  • Product List: Uses the ProductList component to display products.


Handles user login functionality.

  • Form Handling: Manages form state and submission to authenticate the user.
  • API Call: Sends a POST request to the login endpoint to verify user credentials.


Handles user registration.

  • Form Handling: Manages form state and submission to register a new user.
  • API Call: Sends a POST request to the sign-up endpoint to create a new user.


Displays categorized products using ProductCarousel component.

  • Conditional Rendering: Shows loading or error messages based on the state.


A carousel component to showcase products.

  • Carousel: Uses primereact/carousel to create a responsive product carousel.


Represents a single product in the product listing or carousel.

  • Product Link: Each product card links to its detailed view.


Displays detailed information about a selected product.

  • Dynamic Routing: Uses route parameters to fetch and display product details based on the product ID.

Technologies Used

  • React.js: For building the user interface.
  • React Router: For client-side routing.
  • Tailwind CSS: For styling the components.
  • PrimeReact: For the carousel component.
  • Fetch API: To retrieve data from the backend.

Challenges and Learning Outcomes

  • State Management: Efficiently managing state across different components and ensuring data consistency.
  • API Integration: Handling asynchronous data fetching and error management.
  • Responsive Design: Ensuring the application is mobile-friendly and responsive.
  • User Authentication: Implementing secure user authentication flows.

This project provided me with a comprehensive understanding of building a modern web application using React and related technologies. It also helped me develop skills in state management, API integration, and responsive design, which are critical for creating scalable and user-friendly web applications.

I hope this explanation provides a clear overview of my project. I'm happy to answer any further questions you might have!