Quiz application for iOS using Swift and UIKit in agile development methodology in which users can test their technical skills, view their scores and improve their skills by completing new quizzes.
- Build the application using Swift programming language and UIKit of xcode.
- Used firebas efirestore to manage database and firebase Auth for authentication purposes.
- Implemented API calls to Fetch random quiz question based on a selected topic.
- User singin/ signup to the application using their email id or as a guest user
- Uers can play quiz on technical topics
- Users can view their as well as top 5 heighest scores.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Xcode installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/udkhatri/IOSQuizApp.git
# Go into the repository
$ cd IOSQuizApp
Go to firebase console and create a new ios project
Go to project setting and download the google services file (googleServices.plist)
Open the project in xcode
Drag and drop the googleServices.plist file to in xcode
Press run