
AWS CDK L3 construct for managing Athena WorkGroups and named queries

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CDK Athena

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AWS CDK L3 construct for managing Athena WorkGroups and named queries.

Because I couldn't get @aws-cdk/aws-athena.CfnWorkGroup to work and @aws-cdk/custom-resources.AwsCustomResource has no support for tags.


This package has peer dependencies, which need to be installed along in the expected version.

For TypeScript/NodeJS, add these to your dependencies in package.json. For Python, add these to your requirements.txt:

  • cdk-athena
  • aws-cdk-lib (^2.0.0)
  • constructs (^10.0.0)

CDK compatibility

  • Version 3.x is compatible with the CDK v2.
  • Version 2.x is compatible with the CDK v1. There won't be regular updates for this.


const workgroup = new WorkGroup(this, 'WorkGroup', {
  name: 'TheName', // required
  desc: 'Some description',
  publishCloudWatchMetricsEnabled: true,
  enforceWorkGroupConfiguration: true,
  requesterPaysEnabled: true,
  bytesScannedCutoffPerQuery: 11000000,
  resultConfiguration: {
    outputLocation: `s3://some-bucket/prefix`,
    encryptionConfiguration: {
      encryptionOption: EncryptionOption.SSE_S3,

const query = new NamedQuery(this, 'a-query', {
  name: 'A Test Query',
  database: 'audit',
  desc: 'This is the description',
  queryString: `
      count(*) AS assumed,
      split(useridentity.principalid, ':')[2] AS user,
      resources[1].arn AS role
    FROM cloudtrail_logs
      eventname='AssumeRole' AND
      useridentity.principalid is NOT NULL AND
      useridentity.principalid LIKE '%@%'
  workGroup: workgroup,

cdk.Tag.add(workgroup, 'HelloTag', 'ok');

new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'WorkGroupArn', {
  value: workgroup.arn,

new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'WorkGroupName', {
  value: workgroup.name,

new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'QueryId', {
  value: query.id,