MimeProvider ------------ Small framework component for pyramid to serialize/deserializer resources depending on mimetypes. This project is suitable for data driven REST api's, it adapts to the standard negotation in HTTPs, or specifically the Accept and Content-Type headers to decide the format and type of incoming and outgoing resources. Example ------- see examples/small_application.py If you boot up the example application, you will see the magic in action. curl http://localhost:8080/missing -H "Accept: */*" -v or surf to the same address, notice that it serves a minimal html page describing the resource. curl http://localhost:8080/missing -H "Accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/somedata+json" --data '{"string": "Oh No", "integer": 42, "somelist": [1, 2, 3, 4]}' The sole responsibility for this project is to assert that types are negotiated correctly, and are clearly distinguished from formats. In order to build a fully functional API there are still a few steps necessary. * Schema validation * Database access (if applicable) * Data binding (from front-end data types to backend)
A mime-based object serialization/deserialization toolkit for Pyramid.