Pinned issues
- 3
[Bug]: Invalid regular expression: invalid group specifier name (introduced in 2.10.3)
#5889 opened by erwamartin - 6
[PRO]: Drag Handle vue
#5896 opened by SunHengX - 4
[Bug]: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'props') at ReactNodeView.handleSelectionUpdate
#5870 opened by rushillshah - 0
- 11
[Bug]: index.js:178 Uncaught RangeError: Duplicate use of selection JSON ID cell
#5913 opened by zoltanszogyenyi - 0
[PRO]: Backspacing on an empty paragraph creates a new one when the invisible characters extension is on
#5914 opened by fuadsaud - 3
[PRO]: Conversion API - Preserve whitespaces on Export
#5804 opened by mbukovy - 17
[Bug]: TypeError/regression introduced in 2.10.1: All options can be `undefined`
#5859 opened by Mathias-S - 1
[Bug]: Microsoft Pinyin Input Method Fails to Complete Input After Enabling the CharacterCount Plugin
#5878 opened by YanChenBai - 1
[Bug]: Font size not being applied to emojis
#5864 opened by NkwetiAwa - 0
[Bug]: pasteRules are not triggered on Android when inserted via GBoard clipboard manager
#5911 opened by Nantris - 1
[Bug]: Wrong cursor position after using undo and redo
#5910 opened by bbonczek - 1
[Bug]: Pasting editor content starting with a list-item back into the same editor does not preserve list-markers when nodes are marked as defining
#5908 opened by Shamoyeeta - 0
- 1
[Bug]: Unexpected cursor behavior
#5903 opened by icyxianyu - 0
[Bug]: setContent does not overwrite content when the character limit is smaller than the content size
#5902 opened by gethari - 0
[Bug]: error position of collaborative cursor
#5901 opened by 2632755669 - 5
[Bug]: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'isDestroyed')
#5881 opened by ownerdelmee - 14
[Bug]: Redo Edits with Collaboration Extension Leaves Cursor in Incorrect Position
#5802 opened by kaxim - 3
[Bug]: Active marks stop applying to new text after cursor moves from an empty line to another empty line
#5849 opened by sophie-meruscase - 3
[Bug]: linkOnPaste does not work on Linux + Firefox
#5883 opened by Leviob - 2
[PRO]: React 19 Compatibility: Request to Resolve tippyjs-react Dependency Issue in @tiptap-pro/extension-drag-handle
#5876 opened by CastaChick - 3
- 6
[Bug]: ReplaceStep has wrong `from` and `to` positions and slice with reinserted content when backspacing a character to the left of a space
#5844 opened by seleckis - 3
[Bug]: While setting `content` directly while using CharacterCount with limit is not obeyed
#5851 opened by gethari - 2
[Bug]: useLayoutEffect ssr react warning
#5872 opened by frattaro - 1
[Bug]: setContent no trigger onUpdate
#5868 opened by ffeeng - 2
- 5
[Bug]: node_modules/@tiptap/core/dist/NodeView.d.ts:31:5 - error TS2416: Property 'ignoreMutation' in type 'NodeView<Component, NodeEditor, Options>'
#5867 opened by seybi79 - 7
- 4
[Bug]: Can the “setFontSize” method be added?
#5815 opened by weijiatan456 - 1
[Bug]: Yjs document not updating when chaining commands
#5792 opened by daveychu - 1
[Bug]: Tiptap Error: SSR has been detected, please set `immediatelyRender` explicitly to `false` to avoid hydration mismatches
#5856 opened by ryanpark - 1
[Bug]: Type error in `addOptions` when extending extension (regression introduced in 2.10.0)
#5852 opened by Mathias-S - 4
[Bug]: React 19 messes with "Mentions" example
#5846 opened by CHE1RON - 1
[Bug]: Dropcursor cannot take effect on the ReactNode
#5817 opened by JbfGod - 1
[Bug]: Link.extend does not work with LinkOptions
#5845 opened by unachang113 - 3
[Bug]: editor.commands.setContent does not set attributes on Document node
#5813 opened by StephanMeijer - 1
- 0
[Bug]: Text content gets removed when a new extension is created for it when the extension tag has textcontent and node element data together with it
#5795 opened by GSKarthik369 - 1
[Bug]: Cannot add links like ""
#5824 opened by mweidner037 - 1
#5788 opened by Ggchufhhfxgjff - 2
[Bug]: Invalid prop `id` supplied to `React.Fragment`. React.Fragment can only have `key` and `children` props.
#5806 opened by gr3enk - 3
[Bug]: export 'objectProp' (imported as 'objectProp') was not found in 'vue-ts-types' (module has no exports)
#5803 opened by extrastu - 1
[Bug]: When the number of ordered-lists exceeds 1000, the text area overflows.
#5791 opened by YiXu0001 - 1
- 0
Tiptap V3 Roadmap
#5794 opened by nperez0111 - 2
[Bug]: Caps lock interferes with History hotkeys
#5789 opened by vinzdef - 1
[Bug]: ListKeyMap extension does not delete content if selection includes a non-list node
#5784 opened by Minniehajj - 0
[Bug]: cannot edit anchor tag in Chrome
#5780 opened by tasiotas