
Control buffalo wifi rourer through web admin console.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

This is a set of scripts for control Buffalo WiFi router series.

This script change or monitor [Security]-[IP Filter] setting of Buffalo series WiFi router through command line script.

You can control your devices, e.g. PC, smartphone, smart speakers, Game devices like Nintendo switch, or any devices connect to the internet throught your Buffalo WiFi router.

One requirement for the devices to be controled is, those devices's IP Addresses should be fixed because IP-Filter rules of Buffalo settings distinguishes devices with its IP addresses.


You have to copy .env.sample to .env on the same directory which includes monior.sh and change.sh, and edit it with following way.

ROUTER_HOST=                   # This is the factory default
ROUTER_URL_BASE=http://$ROUTER_HOST        # don't edit
PWS=<Hash value of admin password.>

PWS field is important and you have to edit it. It is a hash value of password of your admin account of your Buffalo wifi router. To get the actual hash value, you have to access Wifi Router login page through browser(Chrome, Firefox, Edge and so on..)'s developper tool. This value is a kind of MD5 but it requries special initialization value so you cannot get the hash value by generic md5 hash commands.

To get the value:

  • With your browser acceess the wifi router login page (Factory default value of the router might be
  • Open devloper tool on your browser.
  • Select the [Console] tab.
  • Input "calcMD5('xxxx')" for password xxxx on console command line in browser, and press ENTER.
  • Copy the output value.

chrome developper tool

And then paste it to PWS field in the .env file. Double quote or quote are not required here.

RULE_NO field is default rule number of IP Filter settiong. This is used when you omit the Rule No command line parameter for monitor.sh and change.sh scripts.


This shows the current state of the rule of the rule number indicates.

usage: monitor.sh [0|1...]

where [0|1..] is a rule number.

If you ommit rule number, RULE_NO field value in .env are used.


$ ./change.sh REJECT 2
Change Rule 2
$ ./change.sh REJECT
Change Rule 0


Change the state of the rule of the rule number indicates.

usage: monitor.sh [0|1...]

[0|1..] is a rule number.

If you ommit rule number, RULE_NO field value in .env are used.


$ ./monitor.sh
Monitor Rule 0
$ ./monitor.sh 3
Monitor Rule 3

Web interface

Following CGIs are web interfaces of this scripts. You can setup web server on your PC or home servers in your LAN (It is very good idea to run them on Raspberry pi based microserver!)


To use this, setup cgi/fastcgi on your web server (apache or nginx or..) and put index.html like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=./buffalo-wifirouter-control/index.cgi">

Change URL value in <meta ... URL= > element if needed. In this version, Rule Number cannot specify through web interface. RULE_NO field of .env file is used always.


Following are web interface. You can bookmark or save this on your browser. It is useful you put them in smartphone home screen.

web intarface image

Cotrol with crontab

It is useful you specify these scripts on crontab.


57 17 * * * /var/www/html/buffalo-wifirouter-control/change.sh ACCEPT 0
0 19 * * * /var/www/html/buffalo-wifirouter-control/change.sh REJECT 0
10 22 * * * /var/www/html/buffalo-wifirouter-control/change.sh ACCEPT 0
0 21 * * * /var/www/html/buffalo-wifirouter-control/change.sh REJECT 0
0 6 * * * /var/www/html/buffalo-wifirouter-control/change.sh ACCEPT 0
0 21 * * * /var/www/html/buffalo-wifirouter-control/change.sh REJECT 1
0 6 * * * /var/www/html/buffalo-wifirouter-control/change.sh ACCEPT 1