
Quick demo of a possible scenario where a django setup is running on the same domain as a React frontend based on create-ueno-app with an nginx proxy inside docker.

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create-ueno-app + Django + nginx demo

Quick demo of a possible scenario where a django setup is running on the same domain as a React frontend based on create-ueno-app with an nginx proxy inside docker. This is a proof of concept and not in any way productionized.

To start:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Runs the react app on http://localhost using the default template from create-ueno-app and the django app on /api.

One new component is on the frontpage (nextapp/src/logged-in/LoggedIn.tsx that checks if the user is logged in by doing a client side fetch to /test which proxies to the django app and checks if the user is logged in via request.user.is_authenticated. Since it's a client side request, all cookies are passed along and authentication is checked with no changes to django's system. Login into django is admin/admin.

Server-side implementation could also be achieved by passing along the cookie to the other app, we have access to them since we're on the same domain.