
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Prismic demo

This demo app is based on Ueno’s starter-kit for React projects. For more documentation about the general structure, check out that projects readme.

For content, this app connects to a demo prismic.io setup.


  1. Setup the latest version of NodeJS (8.8 at the time of writing)
  2. Setup git to clone this repo, or optionally download the code to your machine and skip the git step

Clone git repo

After setting up git, open a console (cmd on Windows, terminal on Mac) and change to a directory that will contain the project:

> cd /my/project/dir
> git clone https://github.com/ueno-llc/demo-prismic.git
Cloning into 'demo-prismic'..
Checking connectivity... done.
> cd demo-prismic

You should now have the project on you machine. To start it, do the following while in the demo-prismic directory:

> npm install
added 1830 packages in 96.725s
> npm run dev
Server listening on http://localhost:3000

The console should now be running the development server. To view the project open up http://localhost:3000

Project structure

All of the UI for the project is inside the shared/ directory. Both the client and server (since this project uses server-side rendering) share components, routes and stores.

  • Components are the building blocks that make up each route, by using them we can encapsulate features and behavior, re-use previously written components and structure things in a nice way. Each component has its own code and styles, e.g. the button component lives inside shared/components/button and has Button.js and Button.scss.
  • Routes answer to specific URLs and display a page which in turn is made up of many components, e.g. shared/routes/about/About.js displays the /about page. Defining the relationship between a route and a URL is done in shared/MainApp.js
  • Stores take care of our state, e.g. shared/store/Prismic.js for fetching data from prismic (via a proxy, see below) and passing them along to our routes, which then pass the relevant data to each component

The project also has a server API that takes care of connecting to prismic.io, both for the client and server. We use the store when we need to get data and that takes care of sending the request correctly to the API. This API is defined under server/api.


To build the project for deployment without all development tools running, open a console and navigate to the project directory:

> npm run build
==> Creating an optimised bundle configuration for the "client"
==> Creating an optimised bundle configuration for the "server"
✨  Done in 23.95s.
> npm start
Server listening on http://localhost:3000