
Testing out the Spotify API

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Welcome to Remix + Vite + shadcn/ui!

📖 See the Remix docs and the Remix Vite docs for details on supported features.

Getting Started

Node Server:

npx create-remix@latest --template jacob-ebey/remix-shadcn

Cloudflare Pages:

npx create-remix@latest --template https://github.com/jacob-ebey/remix-shadcn/tree/cloudflare

Or for a more flushed out template with a login flow and a SQLite database backed by Drizzle ORM:

Node Server:

npx create-remix@latest --template https://github.com/jacob-ebey/remix-shadcn/tree/drizzle

Cloudflare Pages:

npx create-remix@latest --template https://github.com/jacob-ebey/remix-shadcn/tree/drizzle-cloudflare

Built in theme switcher




Apply migrations:

npx wrangler d1 migrations apply DB --local

Run the Vite dev server:

npm run dev


In the Cloudflare Dashboard:

  • Create a new Cloudflare Pages application
  • Set the Build command to npm run build
  • Set the Build output directory to /build/client
  • Set the environment variable SESSION_SECRET to an super duper secret and strong value
  • Deploy the app (it will be in a broken state, that's fine)
  • Create or or link an existing D1 database to the app as DB

In your project:

  • Update your wrangler.toml database_id to the ID of the linked D1 database you used above
  • Apply database migrations: npx wrangler d1 migrations apply DB
  • Commit and push to deploy your application