
CAN userspace utilities and tools

Primary LanguageC

SocketCAN userspace utilities and tools

CAN is a message-based network protocol designed for vehicles originally initially created by Robert Bosch GmbH. SocketCAN is a set of open source CAN drivers and a networking stack contributed by Volkswagen Research to the Linux kernel.

This package contains some userspace utilities for Linux SocketCAN subsystem: asc2log, bcmserver, canbusload, can-calc-bit-timing, candump, canfdtest, cangen, cangw, canlogserver, canplayer, cansend, cansniffer, isotpdump, isotprecv, isotpperf, isotpsend, isotpserver, isotpsniffer, isotptun, log2asc, log2long, slcan_attach, slcand and slcanpty.

Description copied from https://packages.debian.org/sid/can-utils