
This is a flume plugin for twitter streaming.

Primary LanguageJava


This is a flume plugin for twitter streaming.

How to build

Maven2 or later is needed.

Download or git clone this project.

Build it as follows:

$ mvn clean package

You will find a packaged jar file in target directory.

You can also download the packaged files from the following URL.

How to install

Put the jar file into ${FLUME_HOME}/lib directory or add to FLUME_CLASSPATH.

Add the following configuration to your flume-site.xml:


Restart flume processes then you will see "Twitter" source in "extn" page of Flume Master web ui.

How to configure

Configure "Twitter" source as follows:

Twitter("<your twitter id>", "<password>"[, <connectionTimeout[ms]>])

and any sink.

You will find Twitter Streaming data in your sink.


Apache License, Version 2.0


Takuya UESHIN (ueshin@happy-camper.st)