
A mini blogging platform inspired by MEAN.JS(MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js)

Primary LanguageCSS


A mini blogging platform inspired by MEAN.JS.
The name of this repo means that I'm still learning MEAN.JS and falling in love with it.

###Live Demo


I think you should have some basic knowledge about MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js in advance.
You can go through their official websites directly, or view MEAN.IO Repo / MEAN.JS Repo for reference.

Tips: The history of MEAN.IO and MEAN.JS.

I also use CoffeeScript and LESS as the front-end precompiler.

And the crucial tool to run MEAN.JS application is Grunt, which will automate your development process. Make sure you have installed Node.js and npm, then install grunt globally via npm:

$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

What is more, make sure MongoDB is running on the default port 27017.


$ git clone https://github.com/just4fun/meaning.git
$ cd meaning
$ npm install
$ grunt

Grunt Commands

$ grunt

Default command, which will build application without minification and uglificaion, then run it.

$ grunt -release

Build application with minification and uglificaion, then run it.

$ grunt build

Build application without minification and uglificaion.

$ grunt build -release

Build application with minification and uglificaion.

$ grunt build-server

Only build server code.

$ grunt run

Run application immediately.
This command is always executed after $ grunt build (-release)

Default User

Account: admin
Password: 12345


This mini site only has basic posting function now, and there are bugs inevitably, I will improve it during the time I spend on learning MEAN.JS.

Just for fun


The MIT License