
Telegram Bot - written with Swift 5.1/NIO, supports Linux, macOS

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

SwiftyBot Banner


Telegram Bot Framework written in Swift 5.1 with SwiftNIO network framework

Build Version Language Platform License

What does it do

Telegrammer is open-source framework for Telegram Bots developers. It was built on top of Apple/SwiftNIO

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The simplest code of Echo Bot looks like this:


import Foundation
import Telegrammer

do {
    let bot = try Bot(token: "BOT_TOKEN_HERE")

    let echoHandler = MessageHandler { (update, _) in
        _ = try? update.message?.reply(text: "Hello \(update.message?.from?.firstName ?? "anonymous")", from: bot)

    let dispatcher = Dispatcher(bot: bot)
    dispatcher.add(handler: echoHandler)

    _ = try Updater(bot: bot, dispatcher: dispatcher).startLongpolling().wait()
} catch {


Usage without Vapor

Usage with Vapor

Demo bots

All sample bots

  1. Add Telegram Token in Environment Variables, so, either create an environment variable:
  1. Run Bot executable scheme or
$ swift run

EchoBot sources Starts/stops with command "/echo", then simply responds with your message

HelloBot sources Says "Hello" to new users in group. Responds with "hello" message on command "/greet"

SchedulerBot sources Demonstrate Jobs Queue scheduling mechanism. Command "/start X" starts repeatable job, wich will send you a message each X seconds. Command "/once X" will send you message once after timeout of X seconds. Command "/stop" stops JobsQueue only for you. Other users continues to receive scheduled messages.

SpellCheckerBot sources Demonstrate how works InlineMenus and Callback handlers. Command "/start" will start bot. Send any english text to bot and it will be checked for mistakes. Bot will propose you some fixes in case of found mistake.





Givi Pataridze

pataridzegivi@gmail.com @givip